+86 15093323284  hams@ailunce.com


How do you learn amateur radio?

How do learn amateur radios? you should probably get some different answers, but in the final analysis,amateur radio is really a practical skill.  ...

Read more  how do learn amateur radio,  amateur radio skills

What is the Difference Between Explosion-Proof and Ordinary Walkie-Talkie?

The explosion-proof walkie-talkie does not refer to the walkie talkie that can resist explosion, but a walkie-talkie that can work in an explosive atmosphere.  ...

Read more  explosion-proof walkie-talkie

Who Said that Ham Can not be a Craftsman?

The 2019 QST opto key contest has ended, and the results show that the amateur radio community of murderers and craftsmen abound. There were many works submitted in this competition. The judges gathered at the end of July to evaluate the contestants' works.  ...

Read more  Morse Code Key

Very nice feedback of Ailunce HD1 use in Emergency Service

Amateur radio operator Tim Greblo who is from Slovenia shares his Ailunce HD1 in emergency use.  ...

Read more  amateur radio in emergencey use,  Ailunce HD1 use in emergency rescue,  Ailunce HD1

Why should I get licensed?

Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally. US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal and anyone may hold one except a representative of a foreign government. In the US there are three license classes—Technician, General and Extra.  ...

Read more  License

Firmware upgrade FAQ-Ailunce HD1

If you have problems when upgrading the firmware of HD1, you can read the blog. We've put together some solutions to common firmware issue for your reference.  ...

Read more  firmware upgrade,  FAQ,  ailunce HD1

Set Out to the Fields with the ICOM IC-705

New ICOM IC-705 has be announced at the Tokyo Ham Fair.  ...

Read more  IC-705

How to Use the CSV File Generator for DMR Contacts

If you want to download the digital contacts. There are many ways. Here I will show you two methods: You can download the contacts from Ailunce website directly.  ...

Read more  DMR Contacts

SMS Weather Report on Retevis RT3S

How to receive sms weather report on RETEVIS RT3S.  ...

Read more  Weather report on RT3S,  weather report

How to send text message on Ailunce HD1

On Amateur radio Ailunce HD1, if you want to send the message sucessfully, should make sure the two radios can communicate with each other.  ...

Read more  Ailunce HD1 messge function,  Send message on Ailunce HD1