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What can Amateur Radio do for me?

What can Amateur Radio do for me?

After we become a ham, we may think of two questions. What can I do with amateur radio and what can amateur radio do for me?

What can I do with Amateur Radio?

Whilst the Internet has brought us an instant worldwide email, VOIP and video communication, it is tied to an infrastructure of enormous proportions.

With Amateur Radio, you are communicating directly, “point-to-point” with no intermediate infrastructure. You are also communicating with people in their cars, on ships, on remote islands, and in under-developed parts of the world. But perhaps more importantly, Amateur Radio is not just about communicating — it’s about exploring the technology that makes radio communication work — the electronics, the antennas, the propagation characteristics of the ionosphere, and even computers that are linked to radio equipment for all sorts of purposes including specialized modes of communication, station logging, propagation prediction, etc.

What can Amateur Radio do for me?

Employers in the high technology industries often seek people who combine the theoretical understanding of electronics with the practical ability to “make it happen”. By becoming a radio amateur, and with the right interest, a lifetime of personal growth lies ahead in the field of electronics and radio communication. Many people today owe career development to their first steps in amateur radio. Why don’t YOU consider joining the many thousands who are developing their skills every day through this fascinating hobby?

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