+86 15093323284 hams@ailunce.com
It is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. The HAM-BOX mobile app we developed allows the mobile phone to easily control and play radio stations. Make the operation of the radio more convenient and fast, the radio adopts a full keyboard design, built-in Bluetooth module. Sound card module and communication serial module. Full support for currently popular radio control software and logging software. We are working hard to give you more playable space.
Will the HD2 have Free-DV mode added in the future?
Hi Yolanda, Looks like you have beaten Yeasu to the FT817ND update. Size is amazing! It would be great to have an external LiFePo battery pack in the same case that could attached to the radio. The absence of rotary controls will probably be a challenge for those hams who love to turn knobs and scroll through a band to find signal. An add on accessory product could be an external rotary knob control panel for volume and VFO via Bluetooth. I would love to test one in Australia, but our exchange rate at the moment makes it a difficult decision in the current economic situation.(499 USD = 762 AUD).
Is it true that the HS2 is going to include an DMR option?
It can receive, but the HS2 can't decode the signal. You need to use a third SDR software to decode.
Sorry I saw this image https://www.ailunce.com/Forum/item/143
Will this be offered in different colours for the case , blue, black,red, yellow ?
No, now only one color.
Please use the correct antenna connectors S0239 for HF and Ntype for VHF \ UHF
Hello, the vhf,uhf,hf use one antenna connector. check the latest photo of the HS2